Iron deficiency anemia is the most widespread kind of anemia primarily characterized by a severe lack of red blood cells or low hemoglobin level. Hemoglobin’s role in transferring both oxygen and carbon dioxide around the body makes it as important as blood itself. This gradual shortfall maybe due to insufficient dietary intake or excessive blood loss from an internal organ.
Iron deficiency anemia – how does it occur?
Iron is carried by the red blood cells of our blood around the body therefore a severe loss of blood means a serve loss of iron. Let’s figure out some of the common causes:
- Parasitosis
Parasitic worms such as hookworms stand as the premier predators that cause both inflammation and blood loss in the human body.
- Blood loss
The excessive loss of blood during menstruation and the use of certain drugs such as NSAIDs, Asprin both can lead to iron-deficiency anemia.
- Lack of Iron nutrient
To reduce the iron deficiency in the body food items such as egg, meat, leafy green vegetables, fruits, cereals should be eaten.
- An inability to absorb iron
Now your improved diet must also be absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine. An intestinal disorder may prevent this absorption of iron. Besides the instestine the stomach plays an important role in producing hydrochloric acid which is an important ingredient for the absorption of iron.
- Pregnancy:
Iron deficiency anemia can occur because of the increased need of iron by both the mother and the growing fetus.
Signs and symptoms
Some of the symptoms and signs of iron-deficiency anemia include anxiety, constipation, sleepiness, palpitations, hair loss, fainting, depression and breathlessness.
Daily requirement of Iron:
The following is the daily requirement of iron :
- Adolescents and adults – 60 mg/day
- Pregnancy and lactation – 60 mg /day along with 400 µg folic acid daily
However, the supply of iron must either be equal or greater than the demand of the body.
Owing to the importance of iron for the survival of a human being one should be careful of the common symptoms that are diagnosed and take simple steps such as improving your diet .
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