Monday, May 27, 2013

Sports injury recovery

The rehabilitation program: 

There are different phases in the physical therapy for a sports injury. The rehabilitation program aims to restore the normal function of the body by gradually enabling movement and exercise. Lets take a look at the different phases starting from diagnosis to recovery. 

Phase 1-


The swelling of joints due to the contractions of muscles and stimulation of nerves is commonly symptomized.   Any inflexibility in the joint is carefully monitored.  

Phase 2

In the course of recovering from the sports injury the following is suggested : 

  • Isometric exercises
This is associated with exercises that are performed without the movement of a joint. These require you to tense your muscles without actually moving any part of your body. This strengthens specific muscle groups in the body.
  • Isotonic exercises: 
In performing such exercise you are moving and you are working your muscle(s) through a range of motion. This aims to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility.

  • Restoration of neuromuscular control
Sport injuries via rehabilitation uses the neuromuscular system every time you move. It reflexively enables you to feel movement, maintain balance and flex your muscles. 

  • Reconditioning
Rehabilitation is a gradual process and as the functionality improves the tissues continue to build to form a complete range of joints. 

      Phase 3: Return to activity

Specific sport related movement is exercised until a complete recovery is reached. 

Injury in sports is inevitable.  A thorough check-up and recovery of any injury should be made in consultation with the therapist not only to lessen the chance of reinjury but also assure that you will be able to perform at your best when you return to play. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Does physical fitness result in longevity?

Today lets learn how to add years in our life ……  i.e. lets learn how physical fitness results in longevity

Physical fitness and the heart

The heart performs its function of pumping blood effortlessly and effectively, which is indicated by a slow heart rate. This consequently reduces the chances of heart disease and improves cholesterol and fat levels. 

Physical fitness and the Lungs

Daily exercise improves muscles’ strength and decreases breathlessness.  


Physical fitness and the Immune Systems

Exercise rouses the immune system by boosting the cells that help fighting infection. As a matter of fact exercise strengths our skeletal system by building bone via osteoblast cell activation. Incidence of many cancers like breast, prostate and large intestine (colon) cancer are reduced. 

Physical fitness and the Nervous System 

The most positive effect of physical exercise is that it supercharges the brain because it receives an increased amount of oxygen. This further results in increased motivation, better memory and a peaceful sleep. 

Physical fitness and Obesity 

Of course the most apparent effect. The burning of fats and increase in metabolic rate reduce the chance of overweight, while controlling the blood sugar. 

The benefits of physical exercise, whether indoor or outdoor, are numerous. This also includes maintaining a good diet and forgoing addictions such as alcohol and smoking. Initially,most people would dread doing any physical exercise but the mental and physical changes experienced readily encourages one to make exercise a part of their daily life. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Amputation in diabetic foot

Amputation i.e. removal of toe, foot or part of a leg is necessitated when the non-healing sores (ulcers) are impossible to treat. Such situations are common in diabetic patients due to damaged nerves and poor blood circulation.Diabetic Management comprises of a healthy diet, regular exercise, monitored sugar level and regular medications.

Let’s read upon how amputation in diabetic foot can be prevented: 


Preventing foot ulcers: Tips for proper foot care include the following:

Check your feet daily: Symptoms include blisters, cuts, cracks, sores, redness, tenderness or swelling. 

Wash your feet daily: Wash your feet in lukewarm water once a day. Keep the foot skin          smooth and dry by using powder, lotions and cream. 

Avoid injury to your skin: Nail file, clipper or scissors on calluses, corns, bunions or chemical wart removers are prohibited. 

Trim your toenails carefully: Trim your nails straight across. Carefully file sharp ends with an emery board. 

Don't walk barefoot: Avoid walking barefoot to avoid amputation in diabetic foot. 

Wear clean, dry socks: Cotton and special acrylic fiber socks are the best choices as it pulls sweat away from your skin- avoid nylon. 

Buy comfortable and broad shoes:Your shoes must be comfortable and spacious for the toes. Broad fitted, properly balanced and cushioned shoes must be chosen. 

Quit Smoking: As smoking inhibits circulation and reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood more severe wounds and poor healing will be resulted.  

Schedule regular foot checkups: Schedule foot exams at least once a year or more often if recommended by your doctor.

Take foot injuries seriously:Contact your doctor if you have a foot sore that doesn't begin to heal within a few days or other persistent problems with your feet. 

As evident from the tips suggested amputation of diabetic foot is 100% preventable and easy to apply at home. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do you know the ill effect of smoking?

The staggering volume of premature death verifies the scientific claims that one cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals including some which are carcinogenic. Cigarette contains nicotine which is a deadly poison and the addictive agent. Nicotine activates areas of the brain that are involved in producing feelings of pleasure and reward. The following symptoms will help understand how these chemicals damage each organ of our body: 

  • Cardiovascular system 
  • Respiratory system
  •  Cancers Risk factor for diseases
  • Ageing

Tobacco smoked can permanently cease and reduce the lung function due to the airways narrowed by deposits of mucus and poisonous substances. This results in lung infection symptomized by coughing, wheezing, irritation of the windpipe and voice box. Smoking is related to cancer of lungs, mouth, larynx, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidneys and urinary bladder. 

  • Increased bad cholesterol 
  • Migraines due to vascular effects 
  • Stomach ulcers due to excessive production of acid 
  • Other diseases include : acute myeloid leukaemia, Crohn’s Disease, osteoporosis, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (blindness) and low bone density resulting in hip fractures. 
Reduced fertility, menstrual cycle irregularities, increased risk of cancer of the cervix, spontaneous abortion, low birth weight baby, risk of miscarriage, still/premature birth. 

Some results maybe lower sperm count, deformed sperm and damages to the blood vessels of the penis. Smoking causes wrinkling of skin. The accumulation of fatty deposits damages the artery walls and contracts the 

Blood vessels which then : inflates the blood pressure and heart rate, limits the amount of oxygen carried by the blood; obstructs blood flow and increases the risk of stroke. 

There is no doubt that the ill effects of smoking are fatal. Hence, quitting this addiction has been highly encouraged via therapy and quitting aids.


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