Sunday, May 26, 2013

Does physical fitness result in longevity?

Today lets learn how to add years in our life ……  i.e. lets learn how physical fitness results in longevity

Physical fitness and the heart

The heart performs its function of pumping blood effortlessly and effectively, which is indicated by a slow heart rate. This consequently reduces the chances of heart disease and improves cholesterol and fat levels. 

Physical fitness and the Lungs

Daily exercise improves muscles’ strength and decreases breathlessness.  


Physical fitness and the Immune Systems

Exercise rouses the immune system by boosting the cells that help fighting infection. As a matter of fact exercise strengths our skeletal system by building bone via osteoblast cell activation. Incidence of many cancers like breast, prostate and large intestine (colon) cancer are reduced. 

Physical fitness and the Nervous System 

The most positive effect of physical exercise is that it supercharges the brain because it receives an increased amount of oxygen. This further results in increased motivation, better memory and a peaceful sleep. 

Physical fitness and Obesity 

Of course the most apparent effect. The burning of fats and increase in metabolic rate reduce the chance of overweight, while controlling the blood sugar. 

The benefits of physical exercise, whether indoor or outdoor, are numerous. This also includes maintaining a good diet and forgoing addictions such as alcohol and smoking. Initially,most people would dread doing any physical exercise but the mental and physical changes experienced readily encourages one to make exercise a part of their daily life. 

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