The rehabilitation program:
There are different phases in the physical therapy for a sports injury. The rehabilitation program aims to restore the normal function of the body by gradually enabling movement and exercise. Lets take a look at the different phases starting from diagnosis to recovery.
Phase 1-
The swelling of joints due to the contractions of muscles and stimulation of nerves is commonly symptomized. Any inflexibility in the joint is carefully monitored.
Phase 2
In the course of recovering from the sports injury the following is suggested :
- Isometric exercises
This is associated with exercises that are performed without the movement of a joint. These require you to tense your muscles without actually moving any part of your body. This strengthens specific muscle groups in the body.
- Isotonic exercises:
In performing such exercise you are moving and you are working your muscle(s) through a range of motion. This aims to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility.
- Restoration of neuromuscular control
Sport injuries via rehabilitation uses the neuromuscular system every time you move. It reflexively enables you to feel movement, maintain balance and flex your muscles.
- Reconditioning
Rehabilitation is a gradual process and as the functionality improves the tissues continue to build to form a complete range of joints.
Phase 3: Return to activity
Specific sport related movement is exercised until a complete recovery is reached.
Injury in sports is inevitable. A thorough check-up and recovery of any injury should be made in consultation with the therapist not only to lessen the chance of reinjury but also assure that you will be able to perform at your best when you return to play.
Sports injury recovery is very important for athletes though it may take time to recover fully. Your phase1,phase2 and phase3 recovery procedure is very important and relevant for sports injury.An expert physiotherapist or sports therapist can help to get rehabilitation form injury.