Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How often can you donate blood?


Our blood comprises of red cells, white cells, platelets and proteins suspended in a medium of water. The formation of these components is undertaken by the bone marrow and the liver. 

Blood donation principles

The American Red Cross has set guidelines to regulate the frequency of blood donation which highly depends upon the scale of donation:  

  • Whole blood: 
Practiced in occurrence of mass blood loss during surgery or injury. 

  • Platelets:

Platelets perform a vital role in stoping the bleeding in case of injury. These sticky cells are extracted from the rest of the blood. Aspirin is prohibited 48 hours before donation to allow the platelets formation and function. 

  • Plasma: 

Plasma acts as a catalyst for clotting and is required during serious surgeries on liver, burns and trauma. Plasma donation requires a healthy donor. The extracted plasma is stored in a frozen form called ‘Fresh frozen plasma’ . 

  • Double Red Cells: 

Red cell carries oxygen in the blood. Multiply the quantity of cells and it will multiply the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen. Red cells are also extracted from the blood via machines. 

  • Autologous blood donation: 

The blood which a patient donates prior to their scheduled elective surgery is stored and saved for their use. When the blood is given back to the patient, it is called an autologous blood transfusion. As much as five units can be donated for subsequent use. 

Of course blood donation is a noble cause that can save lives. But a thorough understanding on how often can you donate blood is imperative.Nevertheless,clinics must interrogate the  medical history to ensure the appropriate level of the donor’s pulse, blood pressure, temperature and look for signs of anemia, if any.  After a blood donation, the donor must increase his intake of juices, fruits and rich diet. Intervals should be maintained between the donations. 

1 comment:

  1. It is really very important article post indeed.Your post is valuable for me because I have no idea before about the blood donations principle.Every day thousands of people donating and receiving blood for various issues but maximum of them have no idea about the procedure you described. Thanks for writing such a brilliant article.
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