Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Benign cysts in breast

Cause and Nature of a Cyst: 

A breast cyst is a harmless round/oval sac that is filled with fluid and is firm in texture. These cyst may either appear during the pre-menopausal phase or during a hormone therapy or it can be a part of a fibrocystic disease. The disintegrated involution of breast tissues causes the formation of the cyst. Cysts can be of either a simple or complex nature , a complex cyst can may develop into a cancer in the later stage.

Diagnosis : 

The cystic nature of a breast lump can be confirmed through the following methods: 
  • Breast Ultrasound: This method is rated as 95-100% accurate. It is capable of scanning the image of the cysts and clearly distinguish between the solid lumps and fluid filled cyst.The scanner instrument is placed on the skin and echoed sound waves from the breast are translated to an image. 
  • Aspiration:Is the removal of cyst contents with needles.
  • Mammograms: Is the use of x-rays to examine the breast.This is a very accurate screening tool and is categorised as screening and diagnostic based on identification of abnormalities.  
  • However, the medical history and physical examination also play an important role in establishing an accurate diagnosis. 

Treatment : 

Cysts may be left untreated until the discomfort level or pain reaches its extent. The first treatment is done using a syringe and needle to aspire the cyst(s). The aspirated fluid is examined for cancer which is symptomized by blood stains. Subsequently a second round of aspiration is done using a wide bore biopsy if a lump still persists. In case of the reformation of the cysts a surgery will be the solution. Cyst maybe a great cause of concern specially as they are assumed as cancerous yet a careful follow-up of the physician’s advice can curtail the complexity. 

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