Thursday, September 19, 2013

Does Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome affect fertility

To understand the effect of the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome on fertility I will first explain the purpose of the two ovaries present in the pelvis. Under normal circumstances the ovaries must produce hormones and an ovum with the menstrual cycle for the fertility of the eggs. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome however is the formation of a cyst(s) in these ovaries. 


Scientific research suggests that the main cause of the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is genetic. There are 50% chance of inheriting the predisposing genetic variant(s). Secondly, harmonal imbalance. In this case the ovaries over produces androgens, which is also produced in men. This over production of androgen inhibits the release of eggs during ovulation. The other reason of the over production in androgen is the high level of insulin. 

Sign and symptoms : 

  • Menstrual disorder: Less or no menstruation 
  • Infertility : lack of ovulation
  • Masculinity Hormones: Acne, dandruff , Baldness or male pattern baldness 
  •  Metabolic Syndrome: abdominal obesity
  • Pelvic pain 
  • Patches in Skin 
  • Weight gain 


The cure for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is to manage it. Lets begin with the easier steps:
  • Lifestyle modicficcation:Try to eat healthy and exercise as much as possible. Try to control your weight.Avoid sugar and increase  the intake of whole grain food, vegetables and meat. 
  • Birth control pills:This is helpful to control the menstrual cycle and may clear acne. 
  • Diabetes : Pills the way insulin controls blood sugar and lowers testosterone production. 
  • Fertility : Stimulate ovulation to become pregnant.
  • Surgery: Ovarian drilling, to increase the chance of ovulation. 

In Pregnant women the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can lead to miscarriage, diabetes, premature delivery and further more complications like heart attack, sleep apnea and endometrial cancer. 

What are the symptoms of Andropause?

A deficient level of male hormone called the testosterone is called Andropause or the male menopause. This common condition is witnessed in men at the age of 30 and above and is a gradual shortage that occurs @10 per annum.  


The most basic cause of andropause is not only the reduction of testosterone but also the increase of SHBG(Sex hormone-binding globulin). SHGB binds the testosterone in the blood and makes it inactive/useless for the body. Evident mood swings and fatigue by the patients are alos the result of low stimulation of tissues. Furthermore, patients involved in obesity, diabetes, hypertension, chronic disease are at a higher risk of developing andropause. 


The symptoms of Andropause vary and often times can be confused with hypogonadism which is due to diseases of the testes, the pituitary or the hypothalamus.Other common symptoms are listed as: 
lack of interest in sex  
difficulty in erections 
lack of energy
irritability and mood swings
memory lapses
fatigue and inability to get adequate sleep
brittleness of bones due to osteoporosis 
increased risk of heart disease

Management and Treatment

Testosterone replacement therapy has proven to be the most effective means of treatment. Based on convenience and sensitivity various forms like capsules, skin patches, gels, and injections are used. The following summarizes the different methods: 
  • Oral testosterone:The side effects include  jaundice and liver tumors. Hence patient already with liver conditions must avoid this. 
  • Test injections: An oily preparation of testosterone is used as it has a longer duration of action. It is injected into the muscles every 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Skin patch: The effect of the skin patch skin is visible after 4-12 hours but may cause some irritation 
  • Gel: A calculated dose depending upon the diagnosis is applied. This method has been recognized as  Easy and convenient. 

Men should proactively consult doctors when they notice the symptoms. In addition to the test therapy;easier means such stress reduction exercise, meditation and good nutrition can significantly improve the condition